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Beautiful scenery near Yangshuo in southern China’s Guangxi region

This is a sample letter that you can download and adjust to your liking and then send to our Prime Minister.  It addresses the need for the government to do everything in its power to fight climate change and its associated issues.  It calls for effective action.  The address of the web page that enables you to contact the PM is:


Obviously, you can also alter this letter to send to various other Ministers & MP's.  Their addresses are available online.

What can we do as individuals and families?


Climate change is a big problem and solving it is not simple.  One of the dangers with a really big problem is that ordinary people like you and I can feel powerless.  It can all seem too big, too difficult for us to do anything about.  But that is not true.  We can all make a difference.  We all need to do our part to fight climate change.


How?  How do we do that?


  • We need to learn the facts about climate change and about what we need to do to avoid its worst consequences. Learning it is important so that we can make sensible decisions about how best to help and so that we can correct the views of those who don’t seem to understand.

    Your school should be teaching you the facts about climate change as part of the curriculum.  The NSW NESA syllabuses (and indeed the Australian Curriculum) include a sustainability area in every subject.  Reading articles written by scientists and other climate experts is also a useful way to learn the facts.  Listening to podcasts and watching documentaries produced by experts or at least reporting the work of experts on climate change is useful too.

    Please be careful what you read and who you listen to!  If what you are reading or hearing seems to be arguing that climate change is not real or is not a serious issue, please check the credentials of the author.  You will almost certainly find they have no credentials in climate science and that they are a climate skeptic.  The links below are a good place to start learning the scientific facts.


  • We must each set an example of sustainable behaviour for others – consume less, waste less, stop using plastics, stop wasting water, stop wasting electricity, recycle more, reduce car travel.  For example, we could decide to reduce the amount of plastic waste we produce.  We could recycle the plastics that can be recycled.  We could choose to buy eco friendly products to replace plastics.  For instance an Australian online company called Activated Eco sells stainless steel clothes pegs and reusable mesh produce bags for fruit and vegetables, among other handy products.  (Please note that I am not in any way affiliated with this company.)

  • We can talk with our families about what we can do as a family to fight climate change. What changes could we make to our lifestyles to help our planet?  Can our family opt for more green energy from our electricity company?  Can our family eat less beef and lamb, in favour of fish or chicken or kangaroo?  Can we recycle more?  Can we get involved in local or other environmental projects?

  • We could email our Prime Minister, other Government Ministers and our local members of Parliament, demanding action. Their addresses are available online.  See above for a sample letter.  Your letter can be much briefer than the sample if you wish.  The important thing is that we send emails to the political leaders, so they start making policy that makes a real difference.

  • We need to pray that all peoples and all leaders work together to solve the problem of climate change.


There is a lot we can each do.  The main thing is that we each do as much as possible.


And whatever we do, we must not give up!  There are great things happening locally, nationally and around the world in the fight against climate change.  Check online.  Many people, companies, institutions, universities, local councils, industries, farmers and producers and so on are working toward zero emissions by 2030.  We need to force governments, Federal & State, to get on board and become part of the solution through their leadership and support.


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